We always have a discount promo code for customers who first order on the website. It's code KIICHIN1 - for your first purchase on Kiichin, you will get USD 3 off for all orders. You can enter that code when checking out to reduce the total order value by USD 3.
Here are detailed instructions for applying a discount code on our website:
After entering your promotional code into the "Gift Card or Discount Code" box on the checkout screen, be sure to click the "Apply" button to the immediate right of the box where you put your coupon code during the checkout process. The reduced price of the item(s) in your order will subsequently be displayed in a "Discount" row. Next, after clicking the "Submit your order" option, your order will be submitted at discounted pricing.
*Note: Since promotional codes can not be used for previously submitted orders, please be sure to apply your promotional code to your purchase before clicking the "Place your order" button.